The following resolutions failed to pass by a majority vote at the precinct convention.
Limited Government
WHEREAS the Republican Party of Texas "respect[s] and cherish[es] the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our Founders' intent to restrict the power of the federal government over the states and the people;" and
WHEREAS Amendments 9 and 10 to the United States Constitution reserve to the States and the People all rights not expressly "delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States;" and
WHEREAS the Federal Government has, in direct violation of the letter and spirit of the Constitution "erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance;"
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the abolishment of the Department of Education, the Federal Drug Administration, the Department of Energy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Agriculture, and all other agencies and offices not expressly authorized to the United States by the Constitution and a return of these duties to the several States and the people; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas directly rejects the notion that Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution grants the United States Government authority to create such agencies and regulations.
Resolution on the War in Iraq
WHEREAS the Republican Party of Texas values the principles of Limited, Constitutional Government; Individual Liberty; Fiscal Responsibility; Protection of Innocent Life; and a Strong National Defense; and
WHEREAS the current occupation of Iraq:
is not a Declared War as required by the United States Constitution; and
was undertaken to support United Nations resolutions; and
has been used by the current administration to excuse intrusions against the Inalienable Life, Liberty, and Property Rights of American citizens and foreigners alike; and
has violated and continues to violate the Rights of Self-Government for millions of Iraqis who have never enacted or threatened to enact violence against the United States; and
is funded through a fiscally irresponsible method of borrowing trillions of dollars from Nations known to be unfriendly to long-term American interests, leading us and our children into Bankruptcy and Debt Slavery; and
has promoted among the American people a doctrine of Pre-Emptive War, in direct opposition to the advice of the Founding Fathers and the Judeo-Christian doctrines of Just War and Peace, resulting in the deaths of thousands of American service men and women and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children; and
has weakened our national defense both Militarily and Economically, such that our own intelligence agencies have declared that we are unprepared to meet a threat on our own soil, and we are ill-equipped to defend our own borders against incursion by illegal aliens and other foreign interests;
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas affirms our support for our Armed Forces and their selfless work to defend the United States and the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic; and supports fully all necessary Constitutional action taken by Congress, the President, and the United States Military to defend this country; including action taken under issued letters of Marque and Reprisal and Constitutional Declarations of War; and
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes the continuation of an American military presence in Iraq and calls for the return home to American soil of all American Armed Forces and related personnel, as soon as their withdrawal can be effectively planned for and executed in a manner that provides for their security; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas encourages private American charity, security, and other groups to respond voluntarily to any requests for ongoing assistance by the people of Iraq in rebuilding their national infrastructure and caring for their population; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes all similar Unconstitutional, interventionist, imperialist uses of our Armed Forces around the world and calls for the immediate return home to American soil of all American Armed Forces and related personnel from all nations and territories of the world not currently in a Declared state of War with the United States of America.
Resolution on the USA PATRIOT and Military Commissions Acts
WHEREAS the Republican Party of Texas "respect[s] and cherish[es] the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our Founders' intent to restrict the power of the federal government over the states and the people;" and
WHEREAS the Republican Party of Texas “believe[s] all law-abiding citizens should be free from government surveillance of their electronic communications except in cases directly involving national security.”
WHEREAS the Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from intruding on the people's Rights of Speech and Expression, and the Rights to be secure in our Persons and Papers, and the Right of Due Process, and against Self-Incrimination, and against cruel and unusual Punishments; and
WHEREAS all elected and appointed officials in Texas must swear to uphold the United States and Texas Constitutions upon taking office;
WHEREAS the USA PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions Act are in direct defiance with the letter and spirit of these Constitutional protections and the core Conservative Republican Principles of Self- Government and Individual Liberty;
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas affirms its support for the doctrine stated by our Founding Fathers that there is no inherent conflict between Security and Liberty, and to trade one for the other is to lose both; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas asserts its opposition to terrorism, but opposes any means of fighting it which necessarily comes at the expense of the liberty of the American people; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the immediate repeal of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Military Commissions Act; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas does not support the enactment of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas affirms its support for the core Conservative Republican Principles of a Free Society that made America great, including but not limited to Freedom of Speech, Religion, Expression, and Petition; Freedom against Self-Incrimination and prohibition of Torture under any name; Habeus Corpus and Due Process; and the necessity of valid, specific, public Warrants for all searches and seizures executed against the People by the Government.
Resolution expressing no confidence in John McCain
WHEREAS John McCain has supported amnesty for illegal aliens, blatantly trampling on the rule of law through his McCain-Kennedy bill; and,
WHEREAS John McCain has opposed drilling in ANWR; and,
WHEREAS John McCain has consistently opposed the reduction of the national tax burden; and,
WHEREAS John McCain has shown a reckless attitude towards war, and a lack of appreciation for the lives of our servicemen and women, as well as those of other sovereign nations; and,
WHEREAS John McCain has opposed the continuing search for POW MIAs; and,
WHEREAS John McCain has worked to silence political speech, particularly that of grassroots and issues oriented organizations through McCain-Feingold; and,
WHEREAS John McCain disagrees with our State Party Platform far more than he agrees with it;
RESOLVED the Republican Party of Texas expresses no confidence in John McCain as the Republican Party Nominee; and,
RESOLVED the Dallas County Republican Party urges our State party officers and delegates to the National Convention to oppose the nomination of John McCain for President of these United States.
NOTE: This resolution was proposed with all the text, and amended to strike the noted text. After the resolution was amended, the resolution as a whole failed.
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