Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Amendment recommendations

Hey, everyone.

In looking at the proposed amendments for this upcoming election, I support them all except for number 9. I'm still undecided on this one.

Number 9 codifies into the Constitution the right of public access to beaches. The problem is that beaches can move, so that land that was once private can become public because of natural circumstances. Tomorrow, I'll call the General Land Office and ask if there is some sort of procedure for reclaiming land if the beach is rebuilt by the Gulf, or some sort of compensation when a house can no longer be placed on the land.

Update: I just spoke with Angie at the GLO, and she said the easement can move seaward if the line of vegetation changes due to natural circumstances. I can support this amendment as well.

I think this is the first time in my life that I will actually vote for all the amendments presented.


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